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Helpful Ways You Can Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

Updated: Aug 22

Public speaking is a common fear that many people face. After all, standing up in front of a group of people and delivering a speech or presentation can be nerve-wracking and overwhelming. However, overcoming your fear of public speaking is possible with the right mindset and preparation.

This article will provide helpful ways to overcome your fear of public speaking. From enrolling in public speaking classes to talking in small groups, it is important to remember the following tips:

1. Prepare and Practice

One of the most effective ways to conquer your fear of public speaking is to prepare and practice your speech or presentation.

The first step is to prepare your speech or presentation. Spend time researching the topic, gathering facts and figures, and ensuring you have all the necessary information. It's also important to think about your audience and craft your message to resonate with them.

Once you've got your content ready, it's time to practice. Do not memorize, rehearse, and regurgitate. Instead, deliver as many speeches for friends and family as possible. Practice your speech several times, and make sure you're comfortable with the structure.

As you receive feedback, make edits and additions as needed. It's also helpful to record yourself to understand your appearance and sound.

2. Visualize Success

When you enroll in a public speaking class, one method that is commonly taught is visualization. Visualizing success involves picturing yourself giving a successful speech, which can help you stay motivated and on track. When you visualize success, you create a positive image of your goal.

One way to do this is to close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in front of an audience, delivering your speech confidently and easily. This can help to reduce your anxiety and give you a boost of confidence.

3. Focus on Your Audience

Remember, public speaking is about connecting with your audience. As you practice your speech, focus on connecting with your audience through eye contact, body language, and vocal variety. Imagine the audience being interested in what you say and wanting to hear from you.

Focus on engaging your audience by telling stories or using humor. Also, practice speaking slowly and pausing for effect. This will help to keep your audience engaged and help you better connect with them.

4. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can also help you stay focused on your presentation and reduce time memorizing your material. If you're anxious about public speaking, having slides or props to refer to can help you stay on track and reduce your stress level.

That said, you do not want to make technology, educational materials, or visual aids the focus of your presentation. Instead, use these tools as a bonus to keep your audience engaged and focused on your message.

5. Seek Support

Contact your friends and family for support when you lose hope and motivation to practice your speech. Have someone listen to you practice your speech or join you in a practice run. You can also get feedback from them and incorporate it into your speech.

Finding a mentor or joining a local public speaking group can also be helpful. This will allow you to practice your speech with others in the same situation as you who can offer support and advice. You can also enroll in a public speaking class. This way, you'll have access to a qualified instructor who can give you guidance and feedback as well.


Public speaking can be a challenging and intimidating experience for many people. However, overcoming your fear of public speaking is possible with the right mindset and preparation. The good news is that you don’t have to do this alone.

FireStory Communication Academy offers effective and reliable public speaking classes to help you become a confident and compelling speaker. FCA classes give students the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful public speakers and communicators.

Join FCA to get closer to your goals - contact FCA for enrollment opportunities for students, professionals, and entrepreneurs in your local area today.


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